Training with the ASA
With Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Recognised Training Centre status the ASA’s centres can offer members training in almost everything sailing and powerboat related from the very basics to advanced and instructor level. The ASA’s centres deliver both practical and shore based courses in the disciplines to the RYA’s internationally recognised standards. For inshore sailing courses at the AISTC holders of certain categories of membership can only train with the Thorney Island Sailing Club but may use the AISTC equipment recreationally. Please see the AISTC main page for more details.
The ASA is also affiliated to the British Kitesurfing Association (BKSA) for its delivery of Kitesurfing training. With their affiliation to the ASA the Regimental and Corps Yacht Clubs and Sailing Associations also deliver training to their members.
The main ASA training centres are listed below. Click on the centre name to link to find out what training is on offer. Alternatively give them a call.