Choose which course you would like to do.
What type of course would you like?
RYA Start Windsurfing instructors are qualified to teach the Start Windsurfing course and Stages 1 and 2 of the Youth Windsurfing Scheme under the supervision of a senior instructor.
The Powerboat Instructor is a competent, experienced powerboater who has been trained to teach powerboating up to Level 2 under the supervision of the Principal or Chief Instructor of a recognised centre.
Instructors teaching the National Sailing Scheme need to be qualified for the type of boat in which they teach, ie dinghies, small keelboats or multihulls. This course is for dinghies.
Once endorsed as a WINGSURFING INSTRUCTOR you will be licensed to teach taster/ learn to WINGSURF and WINGSURF FOILING (subject to qualification level) sessions
This 5-day BKSA course will give you the skills to complete your instructor action plan that will include shadow hours. Speak to the Centre to arrange shadow hours t no charge.
What type of course would you like?
This 5-day course ensures completion of the RYA Level 1 syllabus and may work on Level 2 elements if conditions are good.
This 5-day course ensures completion of the RYA Level 1 syllabus and may work on Level 2 elements if conditions are good.
For those that have complete the RYA Start Sailing course, Basic Sailing is the next step where your sailing journey will take you to sailing 2 person boats.
For those that have complete the RYA Start Sailing course, Basic Sailing is the next step where your sailing journey will take you to sailing 2 person boats.
For those with RYA Level 2 or above. We will be delivering elements of the RYA advanced modules. Depending on conditions, the modules may included level 3 (Better Sailing), spinnakers, seamanship, day sailing and foiling.
What level of course would you like?
This 5 day course will deliver the RYA Start Sailing on a keelboat.
For those with RYA Level 2 or above. We will be delivering elements of the RYA advanced modules. Depending on conditions, the modules may included level 3 (Better Sailing), spinnakers, and seamanship.
What level of course would you like?
Learn an exciting new sport
Learn an exciting new sport
For those that want to get in a harness and learn to plane.
Our advanced windsurfing course will be held off Thorney Island and Hayling Island.
What level of course would you like?
This is where the foil is introduced and you experience first flights then moving onto sustained flights.
Performance Foiling - Foiling Tacks, Intro to Freestyle, Race, Wave, Downwind
Foiling Gybes and Intro to Performance Foiling.
What level of course would you like?
On this 5-day course you will learn to fly the kite, manage the board, body drag and attempt board starts.
This 4-day course will take you from board starts to independent riding providing the conditions are suitable.
We will be working on modules from the intermediate syllabus or just honing your existing skills.
What type of course would you like? Select one to show dates available.
This 2-day course will introduce you to powerboating and give a nationally recognised licence to drive powerboats up to 10m in safe, local waters during daylight.
This 2-day course will introduce you to powerboating and give a nationally recognised licence to drive powerboats up to 10m in safe, local waters during daylight.
This two-day course provides the skills required when acting as the skipper of an escort craft, safety boat or coach boat for a fleet of dinghies, windsurfers or canoes, or for racing or training activities.
Our one-day course covers all the usual first aid subjects, but from a boating perspective. It is aimed at anyone who goes afloat, whether on inland waters, rivers, estuaries or on cross channel passages.
£9 per head per night, bring a sleeping bag, All rooms are multi-occupancy rooms and are all bunk beds.
Service Personnel taking part in waterbourne activities must have passed a Military Swim Test and have it recorded on JPA.
Please let us know if there is any medical information we need to know about you
CoC approval is required to attend courses at AISTC as personnel must be 'on duty'.
We need your Service number to book packed meals
AISTC practical courses are for Service Personnel only
The RYA requires your date of birth to register your powerboat licence.
The RYA requires your home address to register your powerboat licence.
General Data Protection Regulation 2018. The above information will be used only to process the booking and contacting you about the course. Records of your attendance will be destroyed in accordance with GDPR regulations.
Occasionally we take photos of participants for publicity including for use on our website. If you object, please inform the Centre.
If there are any other questions you have write them here.
On receipt of this application a PayPal invoice will be sent to pay a deposit. JIs will be issued on receipt of the deposit. Check your Junk folder if using MODNET